Happy Happy birthday! Thank you for letting me be part of your life though we haven't met personally and our communication is only through text and social media. Thank you for the trust. From the first time I dropped into your fb profile, I knew already that you're kind-hearted and our personality will jive well. I was the happiest when you replied in tumblr, atleast I'm no longer an "unknown reader" or cge na nga a "stalker" (haha) and now I don't have to wait for your posts because you're personally sharing not just your "story of the day" but even your secret and hard-to-disclose experiences (I guess. hehe), so from the bottom of my heart, thank you! I am/will always be your genuine and proud friend. Just want you to know that I can't afford to lose this friendship. I'm always here for you! I'll be here to cheer you up when you're feeling down, encourage you whenever you're in despair, giggle with you, listen to your interesting stories and of course, be one of the people to say kudos for each achievement you're going to have. Happy birthday again! Enjoy your day! Have a blast! I love you, deeply and sincerely. You'll always be in my prayer. God bless you! We'll see each other, soon! mwahness!