We've seen how every generations differ, how needs change and so, how technologies develop. Living in this digital world today compels us to also "make a life" in the cyber world.
Yep. I, as well, was hooked. For sure, you have created accounts in all those social media apps. And I have to admit that for those people [like me] who always felt unseen and unheard, would likely love the idea of grabbing this chance to somehow "redefine" their identity. It felt like the people in the cyber world were less discriminatory and I've felt its serving its very reason- to re-connect to old confidants, to connect to new acquiantances and to better express ourselves. It was then a harmless medium of making yourself be who you want to be.

Then suddenly reality told you to keep things low-key. Not every life event demands to be posted. Not every situation demands reaction. And not every thing you see demands your attention. You choose where and when you use your energy into.
I hope we'll see the importance of choosing the people/things we follow and so, the things we share. Content > trend. This way we can protect how we see ourselves and how we feel about other people. Moreover, what other people would get from us.
This has been the age of social influencers- follow the influencer who makes you see the kind of influencer you want to be. The influencer that matches your purpose. Use this platform to raise awareness, to educate, to promote love and to point back people to our Almighty God.
Make it a habit to leave the cyberworld to live in the real world. To disconnect from the internet to connect to the people around you. And to improve yourself more than your social accounts and social media status.