Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Life During Quarantine

14 April 2020- Exactly 30 days since the Philippine government has imposed the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) due to the CoViD-19 pandemic. The government aims to flatten the curve or simply eliminate the chances of the virus from transmitting to other people. Today finally starts the mass testing in our country. Mass testing means doing swab test to those who (1)exhibit influenza-like symptoms and have travelled to the place where there are confirmed cases or have had exposure to a CoViD-19 positive, (2)health workers who have been in contact with a person who tested positive, and (3) those high risk people-people who have underlying conditions, pregnant women, and senior citizens. It is vital in containing the virus as it is the tool used to identify the infected so they can be isolated and be treated.

        To date, there have been  1,930,780 confirmed cases worldwide to which 5,223 are from the Philippines. Number of  deaths has reached 120,863 worldwide and the Philippines with 335. And of course there have been recorded recoveries to wit: 464,398 worldwide and 295 from the Philippines. And we are all claiming (in Jesus'name) for higher stats of recoveries and no additional confirmed cases in the coming days.
         But nope, the purpose of this blog is not to reiterate the information you surely see everywhere. This is actually my way of tracking how my quarantine days are like/have been. I am one of those who have been blessed to not lose my job and have the benefit of working from home. It is indeed a blessing to be with the family in this time of crisis. However, work-from-home is not as easy as I thought it would be. Lots of coordination has to be made and being away from your co-workers means doubling the hard of communicating. Grateful our office isn't as demanding as other offices  days after the ECQ had been imposed and I can really feel that they still prioritize the health of their manpower. We can work at our own pace unless a report or data is urgently needed.
        A month after and my concerns have changed from fear of contracting the virus or any of the people dear to me to the anxiety of not knowing when this will end and if we will be able to be back to "normal"soon. I miss seeing my friends. I miss going out since I haven't been outside our home since the quarantine has been declared. I miss our normal lives. Guess, I have to look at the brighter side for now that I am still blessed to be missing those things just for a span of time and not taken the chance to experience those again.
       Hope we can all pray for the the people who are holding the fort for us:doctors, nurses, other medical practitioners/experts, farmers, fisher folks, utility workers, soldiers, policemen, food delivery/supply drivers, security guards and  leaders. Let's pray for their protection and good health. Let us also pray for the healing of those infected. Pray for our leaders, for their plans, actions, and sound decisions. Pray for the poor, that they may find help. Pray for one another, to get through the anxiety this is causing us. Let's pray for a CoViD-19 free world and remain hopeful.